by Stephen Prensky
Excerpted from the "Bibliography of Well Logging Applications"
(through 6/99)
Abdel-Latif, A., Sungur, D., Stockden, I., Cao Minh, C., 1997, Borehole nuclear magnetic resonance experience and reservoir applications in west Kuwait carbonate reservoirs, SPE-37771, in SPE Middle East oil show and exhibition proceedings, v. 2: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 145-154. Also published in 1997 in condensed form: Journal of Petroleum Technology, v. 49, no. 11, p. 1247-1249.
Abragam, A., 1961, The principles of nuclear magnetism: Oxford University Press.
Aguilera, R., 1988, A new approach for analysis of the nuclear magnetic log-resistivity combination, paper 88-39-109, in 39th annual technical meeting, preprints, volume 3: Petroleum Society of CIM [Canadian Institute of Mining], Calgary, p. 12 p. Later published in 1990: Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology, v. 29, no. 1, January-February, p. 67-71.
Ahmed, U., Crary, S.F., and Coates, G.R., 1989, Permeability estimation; the various sources and their interrelationship, SPE-19604, in SPE annual technical conference and exhibition proceedings, v. omega, Formation evaluation and reservoir geology: Society of Petroleum Engineers, p. 649-662. Later published in 1990 as, The interrelationship between various permeability measurements, paper I, in International well logging symposium transactions: Society of Professional Well Log Analysts, Beijing Chapter, 21 p. Later published in 1991: Journal of Petroleum Technology, v. 43, no. 5, p. 578-587. Later reprinted in 1994, in Petrophysics: Society of Petroleum Engineers Reprint Series No. 39, p. 118-127.
Akbar, M., Petricola, M., Watfa, M., Badri, M., Charara, M., Boyd, A., Cassell, B., Nurmi, R., Delhomme, J.-P., Grace, M., Kenyon, B., and Roestenburg, J., 1995, Classic interpretation problems--evaluating carbonates: Schlumberger Oilfield Review, v. 7, no. 1, p. 4-22
Akkurt R, 1990, Effects of motion in pulsed NMR logging: Colorado School of Mines, Golden, unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, 165 p.
Akkurt, R., 1997, Magnetic resonance technology and its applications in the oil and gas industry, part 3: Petroleum Engineer International, v. 70, no. 5, p. 59-61.
Akkurt, R., Guillory, A.J., Vinegar, H.J. and Tutunjian, P.N., 1995, NMR logging of natural gas reservoirs, paper N, in 36th annual logging symposium transactions: Society of Professional Well Log Analysts, 12 p. Later published in 1996, as Akkurt, R., Vinegar, H.J., Tutunjian, P.N., and Guillory, A.J.: The Log Analyst, v. 37, no. 5, p. 33-42.
Akkurt, R., Mardon, D., Marschall, D., Gardner, J., and Solanet, F., 1998, Enhanced diffusion--expanding the range of NMR direct hydrocarbon-typing applications, paper GG, in 39th annual logging symposium transactions: Society of Professional Well Log Analysts, 14 p.
Akkurt, R., Marschall, D., Eyvazzadeh, R.Y., Gardner, J.S., Mardon, D., and Dunn, K.J., 1998, Determination of residual oil saturation using enhanced diffusion, SPE-49014, in 1998 SPE annual technical conference and exhibition proceedings, v. omega, Formation evaluation and reservoir geology: Society of Petroleum Engineers, p. 267-278. Later published in 1999: SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering, p. 303-309.
Akkurt, R., Moore, A., and Freeman, J., 1997, Impact of NMR in the development of a deepwater turbidite field, paper SS, in 38th annual logging symposium transactions: Society of Professional Well Log Analysts, 14 p.
Akkurt, R., Prammer, M., and Moore, A., 1996, Selection of optimal acquisition parameters for MRIL logs, paper TT, in 37th annual logging symposium transactions: Society of Professional Well Log Analysts, 13 p. Later published in 1996: The Log Analyst, v. 37, no. 6, p. 43-52.
Akkurt, R., Vinegar, H.J. Tutunjian, P.N., and Guillory, A.J., 1995, NMR logging of natural gas reservoirs, paper N, in 36th annual logging symposium transactions: Society of Professional Well Log Analysts, 12 p.
Akselrod, S.M., and Neretin, V.D., 1990, Application of nuclear magnetic resonance in petroleum geology and geophysics [in Russian]: Nedra, Moscow, 191 p.
Akselrod, S.M., Danevich, V.I., and Sadykhov, D.M., 1982, Determination of effective porosity of reservoirs from nuclear magnetic logging: International Geological Review, v. 24, no. 1, p. 89-92.
Akselrod, S.M., Danevich, V.I., Saikhov, D.M., and Mamed-zadeh, V.A., 1996, Downhole lateral nuclear magnetic sounding: The Log Analyst, v. 37, no. 4, p. 25-29
Alguero, A., and Mallaviabarrena, M.A., 1997, Quick look method of log interpretation using magnetic resonance porosity and dielectric porosity, SPE-39011, in 5th SPE Latin American and Caribbean petroleum engineering conference proceedings: Society of Petroleum Engineers, 10 p. (CD-ROM).
Alixant, J-L., Looyestijn, W., and Hofman, J., 1998, Unusual logs in an unusual formation--NMR in the Athel Silicilyte, SPE-50600, in SPE European petroleum conference (Europec ë98) proceedings: Society of Petroleum Engineers.
Allen, D., Coates, G., Ayoub, J. Carroll, J., Borai, A.M., Brown, R.J.S., Cannon, D., Cheung,P., and Dussan, V.E.B., 1988, Probing for permeability--An introduction of measurements: The Technical Review, v. 36, no. 1, p. 6-20.
Allen, D., Crary, S., Freedman, B., Andreani, M., Klopf, W., Badry, R., Flaum, C., Kenyon, B., Kleinberg, B., Gossenberg, P., Horkowitz, J., Logan, D., Singer J., and White, J., 1997, How to use borehole nuclear magnetic resonance: Schlumberger Oilfield Review, v., 9, no. 2, p. 2-15.
Allen, D.T., 1985, NMR characterization and property estimation in heavy fuels, in ACS magnetic resonance of heavy ends symposium proceedings: American Chemical Society Preprints, v. 30, no. 2, p. 270-273.
Al-Mugheiry, M.A., Issa, B., and Mansfield, P., 1999, Difficulties of relating IR T1 maps to pore size distributions, SPE-53316, in 11th SPE Middle East oil show and conference proceedings: Society of Petroleum Engineers.
Altunbay, M., Edwards, C.M., and Georgi, D.T., 1997, Reducing uncertainty in reservoir description with NMR-log data, SPE-38027, in Asia Pacific oil and gas conference proceedings: Society of Petroleum Engineers, p. 99-108.
Altunbay, M., Georgi, D., and Takezaki, H., 1997, Improving Swr and permeability estimates in carbonates with hydraulic units and NMR-variable T2-partitioning coefficients, paper I, in 3rd well logging symposium of Japan proceedings: Society of Professional Well Log Analysts, Japan Chapter, 9 p.
Altunbay, M., Georgi, D., and Zhang, G.Q., 1998, Pseudo capillary pressure from NMR data, in 12th international petroleum congress of Turkey.
Amin, M.H.G., Hall, L.D., Chorley, R.J., Richards, K.S., Carpenter, T.A., and Bache, B.W., 1996, Visualization of static and dynamic water phenomena in soil using magnetic resonance imaging, in Singh, V.P., and Kumar, B., eds., 1993 International conference on hydrology and water resources [New Dehli, India], v. 2 Subsurface-water hydrology : Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, p. 3-16.
Anderson, W.G., 1985, Wettability literature survey, part 2ówettability measurements, SPE-13933: Journal of Petroleum Technology, v. 37, no. , p. 1246-1262
Appel, M., Freeman, J., Perkins, R., and Hofman, J., 1999, Restricted diffusion and internal field gradients, paper FF, in 40th annual logging symposium transactions: Society of Professional Well Log Analysts.
Artus, D.S., 1967, Nuclear magnetism logging in the Rocky Mountain area The Log Analyst, v. 8, no. 2, p. 16-22. Later published in 1968, as SPE-2123: Society of Petroleum Engineers, Rocky Mountain Regional Meeting preprint, 8 p.
Artus, D.S., 1969, Nuclear magnetism log can find porosity, water-cut: World Oil, v. 169, no. 7, p. 89-90, 92.
Artus, D.S., 1971, Nuclear magnetism logging in the Rocky Mountain area, in Rocky Mountain regional meeting proceedings : Society of Petroleum Engineers.
Attard, J.J., Carpenter, T.A., Hall, L.D., Davies, S., Taylor, M.J., and Packer, K.J., 1991, Spatially resolved T1 relaxation measurements in reservoir cores: Magnetic Resonance Imaging, v. 9, p. 815-819.
Attard, J.J., Doran, S.J., Herrod,N.J., Carpenter, T.E.,and Hall, L.D., 1992, Quantitative NMR spin-lattice-relaxation imaging of brine in sandstone reservoir cores: Journal of Magnetic Resonance, v. 96, p. 514-525.
Attard, J.J., McDonald, P.J., Roberts, S.P., and Taylor, T., 1994, Solid state NMR imaging of irreducible water in reservoir cores for spatially resolved pore surface relaxation estimation: Magnetic Resonance Imaging, v. 12, no. 2, p. 355-359.
Austin, J.M., and Faulkner, T.L., 1993, Magnetic resonance imaging log evaluates low-resistivity pay: American Oil and Gas Reporter, v. 36, no. 8, p. 52-57.
Ayan, C, Haq, S.A., Boyd, A., El-Hamawi, M., Hafez, H.H., 1999, Integration of NMR, wireline tester, core and open hole log data for dynamic reservoir properties, SPE-53273, in 11th SPE Middle East oil show and conference proceedings: Society of Petroleum Engineers.
Baldwin, B.A., 1993, Immobile water determination in shaly sandstone, paper SCA-9314, in Annual technical conference proceedings: Society of Professional Well Log Analysts, Society of Core Analysts Chapter-at-Large, 14 p. Later published in 1994: The Log Analyst, v. 35, no. 3, p. 31-37.
Baldwin, B.A., and Yamanashi, W.S., 1986, Detecting fluid movement and isolation in reservoir cores using medical NMR imaging techniques, SPE/DOE-14884, in ?th SPE/DOE enhanced oil recovery symposium proceedings, v. 1: Society of Petroleum Engineers, p. 39-48. Later published in 1989: SPE Reservoir Engineering, v. 4, no. 2, p. 207-212.
Baldwin, B.A., and Yamanashi, W.S., 1988, NMR imaging of fluid dynamics in reservoir core: Magnetic Resonance Imaging, v. 6, no. 5, p. 493-500.
Baldwin, B.A., and Yamanashi, W.S., 1989, Determining fluid saturation distribution in cores using NMR imaging, SCA-8714, part I, paper N, in Annual technical conference preprints, v. 1 (1987-1989): Society of Professional Well Log Analysts, Society of Core Analysts, Chapter-at-Large, 24 p. Later published in 1991: The Log Analyst, v. 32, no. 5, p. 536-549.
Baldwin, B.A., and Yamanashi, W.S., 1991, Capillary-pressure determination from NMR images of centrifuged cores plus--Berea Sandstone: The Log Analyst, v. 32, no. 5, p. 550-556.
Banavar, J.R., and Schwartz, L.M., 1987, Magnetic resonance as a probe of permeability in porous media: Physical Review Letters, v. 58, no. 14, p. 1411-1414.
Banavar, J.R., and Schwartz,L.M., 1989, Probing porous media with nuclear magnetic resonance, in Klafter, J., and Drake, J.M., eds., Molecular dynamics in restricted geometries: Wiley, New York, p. 273-310.
Barrufet, M.A., Flumerfelt, R.W., Walsh, M.P., and Watson, A.T., 1994, Development of nuclear magnetic resonance imaging/spectroscopy for improved petroleum recovery, final report: U.S. Department of Energy Report DOE/BC/14446-10, 151 p.
Basan, P., Howard, J., Lahann, R., Prichard, T., Attard, J., and Camden, D., 1994, Variations in NMR relaxivity and its relationship to pore size in sandstones from the South Morecambe Field, Irish Sea, paper AA, in 16th European formation evaluation symposium transactions: Society of Professional Well Log Analysts, Aberdeen Chapter, 39 p.
Basan, P., Lowden, B., and Stromberg, S., 1997, Developing strategies using core analysis for calibrating the NMR log: DiaLog [London Petrophysical Society Newsletter], v. 5, no. 6, p. 4-6.
Bendel, P., 1990, Spin-echo attenuation by diffusion in nonuniform field gradients: Journal of Magnetic Resonance, v. 86, p. 509-515.
Bergman, D.J., and Dunn, K.J., 1994, Theory of diffusion in a porous medium with applications to pulsed-field-gradient NMR: Physical Review, Series B, v. 50, p. 9153-9156.
Bergman, D.J., and Dunn, K.J., 1995, NMR of diffusing atoms in a periodic porous medium in the presence of a nonuniform magnetic field: Physical Review, Series E, v. 52, no. 6, p. 6516-6535.
Bergman, D.J., Dunn, K.-J., and LaTorraca, G.A., 1996, Magnetic field nonuniformities and NMR of protons diffusing in a porous medium: Magnetic Resonance Imaging, v. 14, no. 7/8, p. 851-855.
Bilardo, U., Borgia, G.C., Bortolotti, V., Fantazzini, P., and Mesini, E., 1991, Magnetic resonance lifetimes as a bridge between transport and structural properties of natural porous media: Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, v. 5, p. 273-283.
Blackband, S., and Mansfield, P., 1986, Diffusion in liquid-solid systems by NMR imaging: Journal of Physical Chemistry, series C, Solid State Physics, v. 19, p. L49-L52.
Blackband, S., Mansfield, P., Barnes, J.R., Clague, A.D.H., and Rice, S.A., 1984, Discrimination of crude oil and water in sand and in bore cores using NMR imaging, SPE-13401: Society of Petroleum Engineers, unsolicited manuscript, 17 p. Later published in 1986: SPE Formation Evaluation, v. 1, no. 1, p. 31-34.
Bloembergern, N., Purcell, E.M., and Pound, R.V., 1946, Relaxation effects in nuclear magnetic resonance absorption: Physical Review, v. 73, no. 7, p. 679-712.
Bloch, F., 1946, Nuclear induction: Physical Review, v. 70, p. 460-474.
Bloch, F., Hansen, W.W., and Packard, M., 1946, The nuclear induction experiment: Physical Review, v. 70, p. 474-485.
Bobroff, S., Guillot, G., Riviere, C., Cuiec, L., and Roussel, J.C., 1996, Quantitative porosity profiles and wettability contrast visualization in sandstone by CPMG imaging: Magnetic Resonance Imaging, v. 14, no. 7/8, p. 907-909.
Bobroff, S., Guillot, G., Riviere, C., Cuiec, L., Roussel, J.C., and Kasab, G., 1995, Microscopic arrangement of oil and water in sandstone by NMR relaxation times and NMR imaging: Journal of Chemical Physics, v. 92, p. 1885.
Borgia, G., Brancolini, A., Brown, R.J.S., Fantazzini, P., and Ragazzini, G., 1994, Water-air saturation changes in restricted geometries studied by proton relaxation: Magnetic Resonance Imaging, v. 12, p. 191-195.
Borgia, G.C., 1994, A new un-free fluid index in sandstones through NMR studies, SPE-28366, in SPE annual technical conference and exhibition proceedings, v. omega, Formation evaluation and reservoir geology: Society of Petroleum Engineers, p. 37-44. Later published in 1996: SPE Formation Evaluation, v. 11, no. 2, p. 89-93.
Borgia, G.C., Bortolotti, V., and Fantazzini, P., 1998, Combined magnetic resonance relaxation and imaging for quantitative determination of matrix and vugular porosity in carbonate cores, SPE-49294, in 1998 SPE annual technical conference and exhibition proceedings, v. pi, Production operations and engineering/general: Society of Petroleum Engineers, p. 751-756.
Borgia, G.C., Bortolotti, V., Brancolini, A., Brown, R.J.S., and Fantazzini, P., 1996, Developments in core analysis by NMR measurements: Magnetic Resonance Imaging, v. 14, no. 7/8, p. 751-760.
Borgia, G.C., Bortolotti, V., Brown, R.J.S., Castaldi, P., Fantazzini, P., Soverini, U., 1994, A comparison among different inversion methods for multiexponential NMR relaxation data: Magnetic Resonance Imaging, v. 12, p. 209-212.
Borgia, G.C., Bortolotti, V., Brown, R.J.S., and Fantazzini, P., 1996, A robust method for calculating geometric mean times from multiexponential relaxation data, using only a few data points and only a few elementary operations: Magnetic Resonance Imaging, v. 14, no. 7/8, p. 895-897.
Borgia, G.C., Bortolotti, V., Dattilo, P., and Fantazzini, P., 1997, Quantitative determination of the degree of heterogeneity within an outcropping reservoir by magnetic resonance imaging, SPE-38751, in Annual technical conference and exhibition proceedings, v. omega, Formation evaluation and reservoir geology, part 2: Society of Petroleum Engineers, p. 485-490.
Borgia, G.C., Bortolotti, V., Dattilo, P., Fantazzini, P., and Maddinelli, G., 1996, Quantitative determination of porosityóa local assessment by NMR imaging techniques: Magnetic Resonance Imaging, v. 17, no. 7/8, p. 919-921.
Borgia, G.C., Brancolini, A., Camazi, A., and Maddinelli, G., 1994, Capillary water determination in core plugs; a combined study based on imaging techniques and relaxation analysis: Magnetic Resonance Imaging, v. 12, no. 2, p. 221-224.
Borgia, G.C., Brighenti, G., Fantazzini, P., Fanti, G.D., and Mesini, E., 1990, Specific surface and fluid transport in sandstones through NMR studies, SPE-20921, in European petroleum conference [Europec 90] proceedings: Society of Petroleum Engineers. Later published in 1992: SPE Formation Evaluation, v. 7, no. 3, p. 206-210.
Borgia, G.C., Brown, R.J.S., and Fantazzini, P., 1995, Scaling of spin-echo amplitudes with frequency, diffusion coefficient, pore size and susceptibility difference for the NMR of fluids in porous media and biological tissues: Physical Review, Series E, v. 51, p. 2104-2113.
Borgia, G.C., Brown, R.J.S., and Fantazzini, P., 1995, The effect of diffusion and susceptibility differences on T2 measurements for fluids in porous media and biological tissues: Magnetic Resonance Imaging, v. 14, no. 7/8, p. 731-736.
Borgia, G.C., Brown, R.J.S., and Fantazzini, P., 1996, Nuclear magnetic resonance relaxivity and surface-to-volume ratio in porous media with a wide distribution of pore sizes: Journal of Applied Physics, v. 79, p. 3656-3664.
Borgia, G.C., Brown, R.J.S., Fantazzini, P., and others, editors, 1991, Proceedings of the first international conference on recent advances in NMR applications to porous media: Magnetic Resonance Imaging, v. 9, no. 5, p. 639-888.
Borgia, G.C., Fantazzini, P., and Mesini, E., 1990, 1H spin-lattice relxation as a fingerprint of porous media: Magnetic Resonance Imaging, v. 8, p. 435-447.
Borgia, G.C., Fantazzini, P., and Mesini, E., 1991, Wettability effects on oil-water-configurations in porous media--a nuclear magnetic resonance relaxation study: Journal of Applied Physics, v. 70, p. 7623-7625.
Borgia, G.C., Fantazzini, P., Bore, J.C., Smith, M.E., and Strange, J.H., editors, 1994, Proceedings of the second international meeting on recent advances in MR applications to porous media: Magnetic Resonance Imaging, v. 12, no. 2.
Borgia, G.C., Fantazzini, P., Fanti, G., and Mesini, E., 1992, Magnetic resonance relaxation study of preferential wettability effects on displacement efficiency in chalk samples: Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, v. 8, p. 153-159.
Borgia, G.C., Fantazzini, P., Fanti, G., Mesini, E., Terzi, L, and Valdre, G., 1991, A proton relaxation study of immiscible liquid arrangement in microporous structures: Magnetic Resonance Imaging, v. 9, no. 5, p. 695-702.
Bottomley, P.A., 1982, NMR imaging techniques and applications--a review: Reviews of Scientific Intruments, v. 53, p. 1319-1337.
Bowers, M.C., 1993, The use of nuclear magnetic resonance, permeability, and diffusion to characterize the porous microstructure of sandstones: University of South Carolina, unpublished Ph.D. thesis, 166 p.
Bowers, M.C., Ehrlich, R., and Clark, R.A., 1994, Determination of petrographic factors controlling permeability using petrographic, image analysis and core data, Satun field, Pattani Basin, Gulf of Thailand: Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 11, no. 2, p. 148-156.
Bowers, M.C., Ehrlich, R., Howard, J.J., and Kenyon, W.E., 1993, Determination of porosity types from NMR data and their relationship to porosity types derived from thin section, SPE-26307: Society of Petroleum Engineers, unsolicited paper, 45 p. Later published in 1995: Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, v. 13, p. 1-14.
Bowers, M.C., Purkaple, J.D., and Gregory, M.D., 1996, Reconciliation of differences in miscible hydrocarbon gas flood using NMR, SPE/DOE-35389, in 10th SPE/DOE symposium on improved oil recovery proceedings, v. 1: Society of Petroleum Engineers, p. 457-468.
Boyd, A., Darling, H., Tabanou, J., Davis, B., Lyon, B., Flaum, C., Klein, J., Sneider, R.M., Sibbit, A., and Singer, J., 1995, The lowdown on low-resistivity pay: Schlumberger Oilfield Review, v. 7, no. 3, p. 4-18.
Boyd, A., Head, E., and Gubelin, W.G., 1995, Lithology-independent, high-resolution porosity logs SPE-30561, in Annual technical conference and exhibition proceedings, v. omega, Formation evaluation and reservoir geology: Society of Petroleum Engineers, p. 317-324..
Boyd, D., and El Emam, M., 1998, Nuclear magnetic logging, its promise and potential, SPE-49532, in 8th Abu Dhabi international petroleum exhibition and conference proceedings: Society of Petroleum Engineers. Also published in 1998 as SPE-53343, in 11th SPE Middle East oil show and conference proceedings of Petroleum Engineers.
Brancolini, A., Cominelli, A., Kulkarni, R.K., and Watson, A., 1997, Spatial distribution of petrophysical parameters on a core scale using magnetic resonance imaging, paper AAA, in 38th annual logging symposium transactions: Society of Professional Well Log Analysts, 11 p.
Brancolini, A., Gossenberg, P., Lyne, A.M., Mackenzie, I.S., and Radaelli, F., 1995, The use of NMR core analysis in the interpretation of downhole NMR logs, SPE-30559, in Annual technical conference and exhibition proceedings, v. omega, Formation evaluation and reservoir geology: Society of Petroleum Engineers, p. 291-300.
Breda, E., and Minetto, C., 1999, Improved Swi determination and producibility estimation using NMR, dielectric, and induction array systems in San Jorge Basin, SPE-53720, in 6th Latin American and Caribbean petroleum engineering conference proceedings: Society of Petroleum Engineers.
Briskin, M., Robbins, J., Riedel, W.R., and Booker, R., 1985, Magnetic resonance imaging analysis of varved marine sedimentary records of the Gulf of California: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 13, no. 8, p. 753-756.
Brown, A.A., and Husseini, S., 1977, Permeability from well logs Shaybah Field, Saudi Arabia, paper Q, in 18th annual logging symposium transactions: Society of Professional Well Log Analysts, 22 p.
Brown, J.A., Brown, L.F., and Jackson, J.A., 1981, NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) measurements on western gas sands core, SPE/DOE-9861, in SPE/DOE Low permeability gas reservoirs symposium proceedings: Society of Petroleum Engineers, p. 321-326. Also published in 1981 as Los Alamos National Laboratory Report No. LA-UR-81-736, 16 p.
Brown, J.A., Jackson, J.A., and Koelle, A.R., 1985, Western gas sands project Los Alamos NMR well logging tool development: Los Alamos National Laboratory, Report LA-10374-PR, March, 77 p.
Brown, J.A., Jackson, J.A., Brown, L.F., Milewski, J.V., and Travis, B.J., 1982, NMR logging tool development--laboratory studies of tight gas sands and artificial porous material: Los Alamos National Laborataory Report No. LA-UR-82-447, 20 p. Also published in 1982 as SPE-10813, in SPE/DOE unconventional gas recovery symposium proceedings: Society of Petroleum Engineers, p. 203-209.
Brown, L.D., 1989, NMR imaging--principles and recent progress, SCA-8812, part II, paper L, in Annual technical conference reprints, v. 1 (1987-1989): Society of Professional Well Log Analysts, Society of Core Analysts Chapter-at-Large, 27 p.
Brown, L.F., and Travis, B.J., 1983, Using diffusion measuarements to determine pore-size distributions in porous media: Chemical Engineering Science, v. 38, p. 843-847.
Brown, R.J.S., 1961, Proton relaxation in crude oils: Nature, v. 189, no. 4762, p. 387-388.
Brown, R.J.S., 1989, Information available and unavailable from multiexponential relaxation data: Journal of Magnetic Resonance, v. 82, p. 539-561.
Brown, R.J.S., 1996, Nuclear magnetism logging at the "Coyote Institute": Magnetic Resonance Imaging, v. 14, no. 7/8, p. 811-817.
Brown, R.J.S., and Fantazzini, P., 1993, Conditions for initial quasilinear T2-1 vs tau for CPMG NMR with diffusion and susceptibility differences in porous media and tissues: Physical Review, Series B, v. 47, p. 14,823-14,834.
Brown, R.J.S., and Fatt, I., 1956, Measurement of fractional wettability of oil fields' rocks by the nuclear magnetic relaxation method, SPE-743-G: Petroleum Branch of AIME [Society of Petroleum Engineers] 31st Annual Fall Meeting Preprints, 4 p..
Brown, R.J.S., and Gamson, B.W., 1960, Nuclear magnetism logging, SPE-1305-G (AIME TP-8124): Journal of Petroleum Technology, v. 12, no. 8, p. 199-207. Also published in 1960: AIME Transactions, v. 219, p. 199-207.
Brown, R.J.S., and Neuman, C.H., 1980, Processing and display of nuclear magnetism logging signals--Application to residual oil determination, paper K, in 21st annual logging symposium transactions: Society of Professional Well Log Analysts, 25 p.
Brown, R.J.S., and Neuman, C.H., 1982, The nuclear magnetism log--A guide for field use: The Log Analyst, v. 23, no. 5, p. 4-9.
Brown, R.J.S., Borgia, G.C., Fantazzini, P., and Mesini, E., 1991, Problems in identifying multimodal distributions of relaxation times for NMR in porous media: Magnetic Resonance Imaging, v. 9, p. 687-693.
Brown, R.J.S., Borgia, G.C., Fantazzini, P., and Mesini, E., 1991, Need for standardization of laboratory measurements in NMR applications to porous media: Magnetic Resonance Imaging, v. 9, no. 5, p. 885-887.
Brownstein, K.R., and Tarr, C.E., 1977, Spin-lattice relaxation in a system governed by diffusion: Journal of Magnetic Resonance, v. 26, p. 17-24.
Brownstein, K.R., and Tarr, C.E., 1979, Importance of classical diffusion in NMR studies of water in biological cells: Physical Review, Series A, v. 19, p. 2446-2453.
Burnett, L.J., and Jackson, J.A., 1980, Remote (inside-out) NMRópart 2, Sensitivity of detection for external samples: Journal of Magnetic Resonance, v.41, p. 406-410.
Callaghan, P.T., 1984, Pulsed field gradient nuclear magnetic resonance as a probe of liquid state molecular organization: Australian Journal of Physics, v. 37, p. 359-387.
Callaghan, P.T., 1991, Principles of nuclear magnetic resonance microscopy: Clarendon Press, Oxford, England.
Callaghan, P.T., 1996, NMR imaging, NMR diffraction and applications of pulsed gradient spin echoes in porous media: Magnetic Resonance Imaging, v. 14, no. 7/8, p. 701-709.
Callaghan, P.T., Coy, A., Halpin, T.P.J., MacGowan, D., Packer, K.J., and Zelaya, F.O., 1992, Diffusion in porous systems and the influence of pore morphology in pulsed gradient spin-echo nuclear magnetic resonance studies: Journal of Chemical Physics, v. 97, p. 651-662.
Callaghan, P.T., Coy, A., MacGowan, D., Packer, K.J., and Zelaya, F.O., 1991, Diffraction-like effects in NMR diffusion studies of fluids in porous solids: Nature, v. 351, p. 467-469.
Callaghan, P.T., Coy, A., MacGowan, D., Packers, K.J., and Zelaya, F.O., 1991, Diffraction-like effects in NMR diffusion studies of fluids in porous solids: Nature, v. 351, June 6, p. 467-469.
Callaghan, P.T., and Eccles, C.D., 1987, Sensitivity and resolution in NMR imaging: Journal of Magnetic Resonance, v. 71, p. 426-445.
Callaghan, P.T., and Eccles, C.D., 1988, Diffusion-limited resolution in nuclear magnetic resonance microscopy: Journal of Magnetic Resonance, v. 78, p. 1-8.
Callaghan, P.T., MacGowan, D., Packer, K.J., and Zelaya, F.O., 1991, Influence of field gradient strength in NMR studies of diffusion in porous media: Magnetic Resonance Imaging, v. 9, p. 663-671.
Camden, D., 1994, NMR theory made simple: Dialog [London Petrophysical Society Quarterly Newsletter], v. 2, no. 4, October, p. 4-5.
Cannon, D.E., Minh, C.C., and Kleinberg, R.L., 1998, Quantitative NMR interpretation, SPE-49010, in 1998 SPE annual technical conference and exhibition proceedings, v. omega, Formation evaluation and reservoir geology: Society of Petroleum Engineers, p. 227-236.
Caprihan, A., and Fukushima, E., 1990, Flow measurements by NMR: Physics Reports, v. 198, p. 195-235.
Carati, C., and Maddinelli, G., 1994, NMR spectroscopy and relaxation--powerful tools for estimating residual fluids and petrophysical parameters, paper K, in 16th European formation evaluation symposium transactions: Society of Professional Well Log Analysts, Aberdeen Chapter, 12 p.
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Chen, S., Yao, X., Qiao, J., and Watson, A.T., 1994, Characterization of fractures and multiphase flow in fractured permeable rocks using NMR imaging techniques, paper SCA-9402, in SCA international symposium proceedings: Society of Professional Well Log Analysts, Society of Core Analysts, Chapter-at-Large, p. 17-28. Also published in 1994 as, NMRI characterization of fractures and multiphase transport in fractured porous media, SPE-28369, in SPE annual technical conference and exhibition proceedings, v. omega, Formation evaluation and reservoir geology: Society of Petroleum Engineers, p. 65-79.
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Coates, G.R., Gardner, J.S., and Miller, D.L., 1994, Applying pulse-echo NMR to shaly sand formation evaluation, paper B, in 35th annual logging symposium transactions: Society of Professional Well Log Analysts, 22 p.
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